Quarterly Meeting

Date: Thursday, November 15, 2012
Time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Country Club of Asheville
Speaker: Alex Webb, JD, CPA, PFS

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Topic:  Captive Insurance Companies sponsored by Compass Consulting, P.A.

This presentation is an introduction to the world of Captive Insurance Companies ("CICs' or "Captives").  The focus of the presentation will be on how CICs can be used by business owners to both create wealth and to provide for the tax efficient transfer of wealth all while cost effectively and tax efficiently covering liability and casualty risks they normally self-insure or spend too much to procure.  For many professionals, CICs are either an unknown or an area misunderstood to be a tax haven for unscrupulous promoters.  Mr. Webb will attempt to unveil many of the mysteries surrounding CICs and present them as a planning opportunity that every estate planner, financial planner, and accountant should be cognizant of for his or her high net worth clients.


Speaker:  W.Y. Alex Webb, JD, CPA, PFS, Licensed Investment Advisor, Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning and Probate Law

Mr. Webb concentrates in tax law, estate planning, business/entity law, and asset protection.  He was the first Board Certified Speicalist in Estate Planning and Probate Law in Moore County (1987).  This also made him one of the first to hold this designation in the entire State of North Carolina.  Mr. Webb has been a member of the North Carolina Bar Assoiciation (NCBA) Tax Council for over 20 years and served as Chariman from 1994-1995.  He also serves as the Liason to Other Professionals for the NCBA Tax section, and in the same role for the NCACPA Taxation Committee.

Alex has lectured at numerous venues on tax related topics.  Most recently he delivered his "Captive Insurance Companies: Swiss Army Knife of Tax Planning" speech to the May 27, 2012 NCBA Tax Section Workshop.


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